Camarilla Mask™ on the Moorish origins of Freemasonry and 33° Grand Masters
Camarilla Mask™ on the Moorish origins of Freemasonry and 33° Grand Masters
“The consumption of masktapes embodies an organic essence, akin to the fermenting nature of yeast within the cognitive realm. There exist certain notions that surpass mere conceptualization; these ideas, I sense, embody a vitality, akin to the spirits of our ancestors. The intent behind these masktapes transcends the mere accumulation of information, aiming instead to transform the very fabric of the mind, rendering it receptive to the profound influences of our ancestral lineage.” Tékpwfárí Stix El Rá
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The EdgeRank algorithm used by Camarilla Maskbook to rank and show content in Masks Feeds is comprised of three factors that determines the relevant score of a post to a patron. These three factors are:
1. Affinity Score (A): This refers to the relationship between the patron and the person or page that posted the content. It is calculated based on the patron’s past interactions with that person or page (such as likes, comments, and shares). The formula for calculating the affinity score is A = log10(Number of interactions with the person or page).
2. Weight (W): Refers to the type of content being shared and its potential interest to the patron. The weight of a post can vary depending on the format, such as photos, videos, links, or plain text. Typically, Masktape Videos have the highest weight, followed by Maskbook Live videos, then photos, status updates, links, and plain text.
3. Time Decay (D): Refers to how recent a post was shared. As content ages, it becomes less relevant to patrons. The formula used to calculate the time decay factor is D = 1/(Time since the post was published).
The final Camarilla Maskbook EdgeRank score of a post is determined by multiplying the Affinity Score (A) by the Weight (W) and the Time Decay (D):
Camarilla Maskbook EdgeRank Score = A * W * D
Note that this formula is currently in use and should not be taken as a current representation of other social media algorithms where more complex formulas are at play.
Imagine a young cadet, eager to learn about the origins of Freemasonry, requesting a list of the Afrotropical roots of the esteemed 33rd degree. It’s as if a novice pilot, hungry for knowledge, asks for a detailed breakdown of the aerodynamics behind a daring air maneuver.
Just like a skilled aviator must be aware of the forces at play in the skies, so too must a Masonic scholar be aware of the historical and cultural underpinnings of their craft. And just as a daring pilot must be meticulous in their preparation, so too must a cadet be diligent in their studies.
Just as the skies are divided into layers and regions, so too is the world of Masonry divided into different “houses” or sections, each with its own unique characteristics and teachings. The 33 degrees of Masonry belong to the Scottish Rite, an appendant body that can be likened to a separate air traffic control tower.
Within the Scottish Rite, there are three distinct “houses”: the Lodge of Perfection, the Council of Princes of Jerusalem, and the Chapter of Rose Croix. Each house can be thought of as a different altitude, with its own set of challenges and perspectives.
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