Seven Afrotropical Powers

Seven Afrotropical Powers

I. **Maa**: “Maa” represents the concept of truth, justice, and balance. It embodies the idea of living in accordance with moral and ethical principles.

II. **Hu**: “Hu” refers to the divine word or utterance that brought creation into being. It’s often associated with the power of speech and the spoken word’s creative potential.

III. **Sia**: “Sia” represents divine knowledge and perception. It’s associated with wisdom, understanding, and the ability to discern deeper truths.

IV. **Sa**: “Sa” symbolizes the spiritual essence of a person, often referred to as the “divine spark.” It’s the aspect that connects an individual’s soul to the divine realm.

V. **Maat**: “Maat” embodies the concept of truth, balance, and cosmic order. It’s personified as the goddess Maat and is the foundation of Egyptian ethics and justice.

VI. **Heka**: “Heka” refers to the divine power of magic and creative energy. It’s associated with the ability to manipulate natural and supernatural forces for various purposes.

VII. **Sedjem**: “Sedjem” translates to “spirit” or “vital force.” It represents the life force within living beings and was often depicted symbolically in ancient Egyptian art.

These terms offer insights into the complex spiritual and philosophical beliefs of Kemetic people, showcasing their profound understanding of the interconnectedness between the physical and spiritual realms.

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