The 42 Laws of Maat and the sassywood ordeal are both ancient African traditions that were used to determine guilt or innocence. The 42 Laws of Maat were a set of moral principles that were believed to be the foundation of a just and orderly society. The sassywood ordeal was a ritual in which a person was forced to drink a potion made from the sassywood tree. If the person was innocent, they would not be harmed by the potion. However, if the person was guilty, they would die.
Both the 42 Laws of Maat and the sassywood ordeal were based on the belief that there is a moral order in the universe and that people can be held accountable for their actions. They also both emphasized the importance of truth and justice.

However, there are also some important differences between the two traditions. The 42 Laws of Maat were a set of moral principles that were used to guide people’s lives. The sassywood ordeal, on the other hand, was a ritual that was used to determine guilt or innocence. The 42 Laws of Maat were also more complex than the sassywood ordeal. They consisted of a long list of specific moral principles, while the sassywood ordeal was a more general test of innocence.
Despite their differences, the 42 Laws of Maat and the sassywood ordeal are both important examples of African moral traditions. They demonstrate the importance of truth, justice, and compassion in African cultures.

I heard Sassy-wood has been discredited due to its illegitimacy cases have been discovered to be misjudged, are people still using it?