Ksmarala Dyuu™ Tekpwfari Starkraft Masktape Intro

“בית הכוכבים”

The knowledge is not set down explicitly in books but is embodied in the מסכה itself. In essence מסכה is in a nature of a divine rite meant to instill in the beholder an understanding of creation and creative power. The face of the מסכה is that of Ancestral Man and Woman. Man before slavery and the perfected man/ woman. One who has regained his cosmic consciousness through his or her own method…

Celestial Mask Intelligence @Tekpwfari Stix El Ra

Ksmarala Dyuu™ Tekpwfari Starkraft Masktape Intro


Cissé, Youssouf. “Sogo Sigi: Une esthétique des masques Dogon.” (2008).

Griaule, Marcel. “Conversations with Ogotemmeli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas.” (1965).

Davis, Stephen. “Reggae Bloodlines: In Search of the Music and Culture.” (1978). Chapter 8: “Burning Spear: The Fire Still Burns.”

One thought on “Ksmarala Dyuu™ Tekpwfari Starkraft Masktape Intro”

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